This essay is part of series regarding the development of an electronic platform that among other things will be protecting its users from fake news. The present subject involves the role a company can play on an ecological basis. (greek below)
A company is not only a part of the social structure but also a part of nature. We should not forget that we are animals of planet earth. Our bodies come from the soil, the air and the water of this planet and they return back to those. Along with the rest of the animals and plants we are the organic portion of the planet. They are our relatives and cohabitants on the planet, as the well established theory of the evolution of species has clearly shown. With them we constitute a chain where each of its rings has its distinct role. Thus if we want to progress as humanity this can only happen in harmony with the environment of which we are a part. A company that focuses exclusively on profit or on the production of a product and takes nothing more into consideration is destined to be harmful towards humanity and the rest of the world. Of course, no activity could cause zero harm to the environment and neither this is the goal. We do not support a position claiming that nature is perfect neither that we should fully return to our natural origins.
Nature is neither some kind of a metaphysical entity that has designed a plan nor something perfect. Its parts be it its atmosphere or its plants and so on are related, and through a constant flow of – to a great degree if not completely random – events they have reached the condition in which we have observed them. There are very often in nature destructive events like a volcanic eruption, which cause disharmony or creations of it which are at least partly problematic such as animals consuming the flora of a region leading to its extinction along with the extinction of the fauna that can no longer sustain itself. Despite the fact that after millions of years of evolution the creations of nature are still on top of the art of creation compared to what we as humanity can produce, they are for sure not perfect and they are always evolving. The distinction between humanity and nature is certainly to a great degree artificial; actually when we create a spaceship we are not that different from any other animal like a beaver building its home with twigs.
So within the context of the evolution of life, production and technology is one more possible way to improve life. Crafting clothes protects us from several natural phenomena, producing technologies which can prevent an asteroid from hitting the earth protects us from an existential threat that poses a danger for all the living organisms of the planet, and creating telecommunications means among other things that we can store and share information gaining time while sprinting to prevent several existential threats. It should be stressed out here that technology does not only have a utilitarian purpose. It does not aim only at solving problems, but also at the pleasure of its creators, as it happens in the case of games. These are just a few examples for us to show the positive side of technology which is necessary to the course of evolution. Thus, focusing again on the role of companies, our task is to find out how production can be more beneficial rather than harmful to the world.